Ellsworth School Department Seeking Shelf Stable Food for Delivery to Students
In response to the Ellsworth Community's desire to help the Ellsworth School Department feed their students during this unprecedented closure, Superintendent Dan Higgins sent the following letter to the Parents and Guardians of Ellsworth School Department Students, Community Members, and Members of the Local Business Community
Key takeaways
The Ellsworth School Department is seeking shelf-stable foods that do not need to be refrigerated and are easy to prepare. Examples include:
- Small cans of ready to use, flip-top soup. Popular varieties are Tomato, Chicken & Rice, Chicken Noodle, stews and chowders (no seafood)
- Peanut Butter or Sun Butter
- Small Jars of Jelly
- Canned Tuna, Chicken, and Ham
- Spaghetti Sauce, both with meat and meatless
- Pasta – spaghetti and elbows
- Baked Beans
- Mayonnaise
- Rice
- Instant Potato
- Canned vegetables
They will begin accepting donations Wednesday March 25. Donations may be dropped off at the Ellsworth Elementary Middle School loading dock between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon. Please call 667-6241 at extension 2187 before dropping off donations so they will have staff available to receive the donation. They ask that you enter the EEMS
property by the Pond Avenue entrance and proceed to the loading dock. To ensure that everyone follows social distancing practices, please unload donations onto the dock and then return to your vehicle and depart the property via the Shore Road. At that time staff will take the products into the school. If
If there is another vehicle at the dock dropping off donations, please wait until they have departed before you approach the dock.
Beginning March 30, the Ellsworth School Department will accept donations following the schedule and procedures listed above on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. If you are not able to drop off on the days or times listed, please contact them at 667-6241 at extension 2187 or at the main office, option 2
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