Pemetic Remote Learning Sign-ups for Breakfast and Lunch
Lunches and breakfasts will be available for bulk pick-up on Tuesdays, beginning the first day of school, Tuesday, September 8th and continuing through September 22nd during the remote learning phase. After that, hopefully children will be returning for in-learning, and we will let everyone know what happens after that.
There is NO delivery option! This is PICK-UP ONLY on Tuesdays, between 11 a.m and 11:45 a.m. This is available free to all children in the Southwest Harbor School District, attending Pemetic School.
Pick up is in the front loop of the school. Please follow the instructions
- Pull up in front of the flagpole
- Bags will be placed on a table for you
- Remain in your vehicle until indicated
- Wear your mask when you exit your vehicle
- Keep a 6 foot distance from others
Please let the school know if you would like to receive free school breakfasts and lunches during remote learning.
Call Pemetic 244-5502
Email Jeannie Anderson (lunch lady)
Email Carolyn Todd (guidance counselor)
Email Emily Brown (school nurse)
We have information regarding Trenton pick-up of food. We are trying to get information about pick-up from other schools.