If you are hot and thirsty and you're in Southwest Harbor, you should head over to 276 Seawall Road, and see Elias Coombs and Harper Robinson. These young entrepreneurs are outside under a tent selling lemondade, ice tea and blueberry muffins daily with all the money going to feed cats in Southwest Harbor!

(L-R) Elias Coombs and Harper Robinson Photo Chris Popper
(L-R) Elias Coombs and Harper Robinson Photo Chris Popper

Elias is 9 years old and will be in 4th grade in the fall while Harper is 6 and will be in 2nd grade in the fall. Both boys, attend the Pemetic School.

Cousins, their love for animals runs deep. Between the 2, who besides being cousins are neighbors, they have 3 cats, 4 dogs and 1 parrot!

So swing on by! Have a cool drink and the cats in Southwest Harbor will thank you! You'll find them out there most weekends and the occasional weekday!

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