MDI Boy’s Tennis Defeat WA 5-0
The MDI Boy's Tennis Team defeated Washington Academy 5-0 in East Machias and improved to 6-4 on the season. Here are the Trojan's results....
1st Singles Kaleb Payson won 9-8 (Tiebreaker 7-2)
2nd Singles Teddy Geary won 8-3
3rd Singles Drake Janes won 8-6
1st Doubles Jimmy Carrol and September Murray won 8-3
2nd Doubles Rocco DenDanto and Derek Collins won 9-8 (Tiebreaker 7-5)
MDI plays their last regular season home match next Tuesday, May 24th against John Bapst and they are looking for a HUGE turnout of fellow students and fans to cheer them on!