Harbor House’s Phelps-Lowe Golf Tournament Needs Sponsors
It's been a tough year for the Harbor House in Southwest Harbor. Many of their fundraising activities such the Great Harbor Shoot-Out, Lobsters on the Sound, the Flamingo Fest have all been cancelled because of COVID-19 but the demand for their services have increased.
The Phelps-Lowe Golf Tournament takes place on Sunday, September 13th and right now the golf field is full, but they need hole sponsors, and those sponsorships will go to help replenish the scholarship fund. In 2019 the Harbor House issued $5000 worth of scholarships to families who needed help in paying for activities, camperships etc. In 2020 through September 1st they have already doubled that amount, issuing $11,000 worth of scholarships.
If you are interested in being a hole sponsor, please reach out to Diana via email or by calling her at (207) 244-3713