Did You Know About the DownEast Wood Bank?
Did you know about the DownEast wood bank that serves 7 towns in Hancock County? They serve residents from Blue Hill, Brooklin, Ellsworth, Lamoine, Sedgewick, Surry and Trenton.
The DownEast Wood Bank is located on property belonging to the Blue Hill Heritage Trust in Surry, on the Meadowbrook Road.
Residents from Blue Hill, Brooklin, Ellsworth, Lamoine, Sedgewick, Surry and Trenton. are able to call the DownEast Wood Bank at 207-812-4472 and arrange pick-up of up to a half cord of split, seasoned, hardwood each month.
Last year, the Wood Bank served 155 families.
If you are interested in volunteering they are looking for volunteers. Volunteers help cut and split the wood and stack it as well as help loading it into vehicles.
To learn more you can visit their Facebook Page or email downeastwoodbank@yahoo.com