Top 10 Worst Ellsworth Intersections For Crashes
If you think that there is a lot of traffic now in the city of Ellsworth, you're not alone.
Thousands and thousands of vehicles pass through the city on a daily basis, even more so during the warm summer months when the tourists are in town. With residents of outlying towns from both Hancock and Washington County "coming to town" to do their grocery shopping, laundry, get their vehicle repaired, do a little holiday shopping, utilize one of the many medical facilities in the city, or work at the brand new Jackson Lab facility, the place is just plain busy.
Those are few and far between who have never come close to being in a fender bender on roads like High Street, the Bar Harbor Road, or on Bridge Hill. If you've wondered which lane to be in on Myrick Street, or, why those two lanes merge into one, you're not alone. If you've never gripped the steering wheel with all of your strength or pushed the brake pedal all the way to the floor within a millisecond, you're fortunate.
Many have unfortunately been in accidents in Ellsworth, as there are many intersections to do so in. So, we thought we'd dig up the facts and figures, and with help from the Maine Department of Motor Vehicles, come up with the top ten worst intersections for car crashes. We looked at a 3 year period, between 2019 and 2021.
So buckle up your seat belt and make sure that your car insurance premium is fully paid because here comes our top ten list.