New Catholic Priest Arrives Downeast
The Roman Catholic Bishop of Portland, Maine, has appointed Fr. Roland Berngeh parochial vicar for the Stella Maris Parish (St. Vincent de Paul Church, Bucksport; Our Lady of Holy Hope Church, Castine; St. Mary Star of the Sea Church, Stonington), St. Joseph Parish (St. Joseph Church, Ellsworth; Blue Hill Mission, Blue Hill; Our Lady of the Lake Mission, Green Lake; St. Margaret Chapel, Winter Harbor), and Parish of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Holy Redeemer Church, Bar Harbor; St. Peter Church, Manset; St. Ignatius Church, Northeast Harbor), effective immediately.
Fr. Roland is a native of Cameroon and was ordained to the priesthood on April 10, 1985
Fr. Berngeh served in Cameroon parishes for 8 years before being appointed the pioneer rector and principal at St. Aloysius Minor Seminary Kitiwum in Kumbo in 1993. He served at the seminary for 13 years before becoming the rector of the Cathedral Church of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus in Kumbo. In 2007, Fr. Berngeh was named principal at his alma mater, St. Augustine’s College Nso, where he served until 2012 when he was appointed rector of Immaculate Conception Parish, also in Kumbo. For the last 6 years, Fr. Berngeh has served at the cathedral in Kumbo. In addition to those assignments, he has served as a vocations director, diocesan and national chaplain, member of the presbyteral council, and as vicar general.
With the arrival of Fr. Roland, St. Joseph's Church in Ellsworth will resume their normal weekend Masses with times Saturday at 4:30 p.m., and Sunday mornings at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. . These Masses from St. Joseph's are livestreamed on the St. Joseph Church's Facebook Page

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