Miss Maine for America Strong Patricia Schimpf to be at Burke’s Hollow in Southwest Harbor Mother’s Day [VIDEO]
Patricia Schimpf, Miss Maine for America Strong joined WDEA's Chris Popper to talk about the 1st local event that she will be appearing at. It will be at Burke's Hollow in Southwest Harbor, on Sunday, May 9th, Mother's Day, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and she will be appearing with her Mom!
There will be opportunities for Mother’s Day gifts provided by local vendors as well as photos with Miss Maine and her Mom as a fundraising effort!
You will get a chance to help support Miss Maine for America Strong’s journey to the National Miss for America strong competition in Las Vegas in November! Make a donation, and Gayle will present you with your Mother’s Day gift! You will then be entered into a drawing for a limited edition prize from Miss Maine for America Strong Patricia Schimpf and her crew!