How Did Your School in Hancock County Make Out in the New Budget?
Most schools in Hancock County made out pretty well in the new final school funding figures released for the 2017-18 school year, as reported by the Portland Press Herald.
School 2016-17 Projected Funding Enacted Funding Change From 2016-17
Bar Harbor 290,474 350,074 350,074 59,600
Blue Hill 153,207 180,604 180,604 27,397
Ellsworth 5,494,980 5,562,027 5,895,315 400,355
Hancock 234,349 153,378 233,228 -1,121
Lamoine 85,018 88,913 88,913 3,895
Mt. Desert 199,935 176,424 176,424 -23,512
MtDesertCSD267,168 318,280 318,280 51,112
SW Harbor 184,747 216,325 216,325 32,578
Tremont 99,978 99,265 99,265 -713
Trenton 86,435 217,540 250,128 163,693