Ghost Tours at Fort Knox Historic Site Begin This Month
Take a guided tour of America's first Fort Knox. Venture through the large granite fort at night with a small group in search of spirits and evidence of paranormal activity.
The East Coast Ghost Trackers have been investigating Fort Knox for many years and after hearing tons of requests to come on ghost hunts from people who were not members of the team they teamed up with The Friends of Fort Knox and have been hosting ghost tours at the civil war era fort for 4 years.
This year is the fifth year and the tours are only getting better. New areas will be investigated and with more ghost finding equipment than ever. The ghost trackers share pieces of equipment to the tour groups so you don't need to buy anything to be involved although you may want to bring a flashlight.
As part of the East Coast Ghost Trackers and a former historical tour guide at the fort I have experienced a lot of activity here myself and can tell you the tour is a great way to get your adrenaline running. On the tours so far we have seen shadows darting across rooms, heard doors slam, and a woman got so frightened by a phantom breath on her neck and jumped on the nearest person's back! Among many other things.
These tours can be scary for children so there is an age limit of 12+ although personal judgement should be used as we have had teenagers in tears with fear as well. Another thing to mention about the tour are they require about an hour of walking as well as many stairs so physical ability to manage that is a thing to consider before signing up.
Although there was never a battle at the fort there are a few reported deaths on the property. The fort also resides in the place of a former farm and along the Penobscot river was all native american lands at one point so it is a mystery who exactly haunts the Fort. Many people assume because there was no battle there would be no reason for spirits but this is not the case at all. I have seen and heard too many things that I can't make sense of to believe there is nothing strange going on in this large granite fortress.
Fort tours are offered Saturday nights starting May 30th. There will be 2 tours a night each lasting an hour and a half. Call the visitor center to check availability and schedule a date and time. The tours are limited to 20 people per group and spots fill up fast.
If you have a group of 10 or more private tours are offered as well on separate nights and there will be a 7 hour event for a Halloween hunt in October. Prices, date and times can be found on the Friends of Fort Knox website.
Check out the East Coast Ghost Tracker's episode of Maine's Most Haunted below for a sneak peak of what to expect and follow them on Facebook!