Free Events in Ellsworth & On Mount Desert Island July 9-15
We are going to try and keep a list of FREE, family friendly, events that are going on in the Ellsworth and Mount Desert Island area, which will be published weekly on the WDEA website. Here is our list for the week July 9th-15th.
While this is not a comprehensive list, it's what I have been able to find by talking to the Chambers of Commerce, Public Libraries and events that I'm generally aware of. If you would like to have your FREE event listed, please email it to me in advance at chris.popper@townsquaremedia.com
Monday July 9th
Bar Harbor - Town Band Concert 8PM Bandstand - Village Green (Lasts 1 hour)
Tuesday July 10th
Ellsworth - "Caregivers Support Group" - 2PM Ellsworth Public Library - Riverview Room. Join for coffee, conversation, education, and support with Eastern Area Agency on Aging.
Bar Harbor - 4-7PM. Free Community Meal with entertainment. Prepared by Open Table MDI. Served at Bar Harbor Congregational Church on Mount Desert Street.
Southwest Harbor - 5:30-7PM Southwest Harbor Public Library - Local sculptor and founder of the Schoodic International Sculpture Symposium, Jesse Salisbury will speak about "Creating the Maine Sculpture Trail".
Wednesday July 11th
Southwest Harbor - 10AM (45 minutes) Toddler Storytime - Southwest Harbor Public Library. Special Guest--Music Therapist Carla Tanguay. Designed for children 3-5 years old but all are welcome.
Ellsworth - "Tightwad Exchange" - Brown Bag Session 12 Noon Ellsworth Public Library Riverview Room. Join others who are looking for ways to save money, stretch the budget and share frugal ideas. This is a brown bag meeting so feel free to bring your lunch. Coffee and Tea provided.
Ellsworth - Bee Parks and the Hornets 6 PM - Ellsworth Public Library - The Ellsworth Public Library kicks off their Summertime Delights with Bee Parks and the Hornets an indie pop rock band for younger and older ears. Based out of Mount Desert Island, they perform high energy shows that combine original songs, puppetry and audience participation to inspire young people to get up and move - both with their feet and in their communities.
Ellsworth - Ellsworth Community Band 7PM - Harbor Park and Marina (Lasts 1 Hour)
Bar Harbor - Seaside Cinema - Free Movie in Agamont Park at Sunset (Approximately 8:18 PM) "Chicken Run" Rated G
Thursday July 12th
Ellsworth - "A History of the 50's and 60's Through the Lens of Popular Song" - Ellsworth Public Library. Marc Black, a recent inductee into the New York Chapter of the Blues Hall of Fame has created an engaging and humorous program.. and an opportunity for the audience to relive this colorful time in our history. This thought provoking multi-media show is bound to get everyone singing and feeilng good about where we are and where we've been.
Ellsworth - Ellsworth Public Library 6 PM. The Ellsworth Chess Club meets every Thursday evening. New members are welcome.
Southwest Harbor - 6:30 PM - Southwest Harbor Public Library - The Southwest Harbor Public Library’s Family Concert Series continues with a performance of the classic book, "The Great Kapok Tree", by the Summer Story Campers. Barn Arts Collective Artist-in-Resid
Bar Harbor - Town Band Concert 8PM Bandstand - Village Green (Lasts 1 hour)
Ellsworth - Free Movie in Knowlton Park at Sunset (Approximately 8:18 PM) "Greatest Showman" Rated PG
Friday July 13th
Southwest Harbor - 10AM - 11AM - Baby Story Time - Southwest Harbor Public Library. Special Guest--Music Therapist Carla Tanguay. Baby Storytime is designed especially for babies under two years, but siblings are welcome.
Ellsworth - 2 PM Ellsworth Public Library rocks with Mike of Michael Arruda - Computer and Network Services. Have you ever wanted to record your own music? Not sure which program to use or how? Bring your plugin instruments and help layer a track! If you don't have a plugin instrument, don't worry, some will be provided.
Ellsworth - Waterfront Concert Series at Ellsworth's Union River Harbor Park 6PM- Ellacapella
Saturday July 14th
Southwest Harbor - Flamingo Festival with the theme "Under the Sea". Parade begins at 9AM. Coast Guard Open House - Clark Point Road 9:30AM-1PM
Ellsworth - Hancock County Genealogical Society 10AM - Ellsworth Public Library. - The Hancock County Genealogical Society will hold their monthly meeting in the Riverview Room. Newcomers are welcome.
Ellsworth - Grand Theater - 7PM The Goonies. Although not free, admission is just 80 cents per person, so it's virtually free in honor of The Grand's 80th Birthday!
Ellsworth - Knowlton Park's Splash Pad is the place to cool off in Ellsworth!
The restroom facilities are open from 8AM to 9 PM. The changing rooms at Knowlton Park are open as well. Water in the Splash Pad will operate between 10AM and 8PM, everyday, unless the temperature falls below 65, which it will then automatically shut off until the temperature rises again.
Looking for somewhere that's kid friendly and FREE in Bar Harbor to cool off? The place to go is the Glen Mary Wading Pool! The Pool has a maximum depth of 2 feet and is open daily from 10AM to 8 PM. There is no lifeguard on duty, and children under 10 need to be accompanied by someone 14 and over. Pets are not allowed in the fenced in area. Food and beverage is allowed but not in the water. There are changing facilities
The Glen Mary Wading Pool is located at 11 Waldren Road. The easiest way to get there is to go on Park Street and go past the YMCA and cross Ledgelawn Avenue. At the end of the road turn right onto Glen Mary Road. At the end of the road turn left onto Waldren Road.
Handy Phone Numbers
Ellsworth Public Library - 207-667-6363
Southwest Harbor Public Library - 207-244-70
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