Ellsworth School District Superintendent’s Follow-up Letter to Parents After August 11th School Board Meeting
Ellsworth School District Superintendent Dan Higgins sent out the following letter on Wednesday, August 12 to parents following the August 11th School Board Meeting.
Dear Parents and Guardians of Ellsworth School Department Students:
Please consider this message a follow-up to last evening’s School Board meeting.
At last evening’s meeting, the Ellsworth School Board approved a re-opening plan for Ellsworth Schools that includes a hybrid instructional model.
Under the re-opening plan, students will receive their instruction through a remote-only model or through a hybrid model (a combination of in-person learning and remote learning based on a defined schedule).
Our next task is to formally determine which model your child will participate in so we can separate students into two groups: remote only and hybrid. Once the two groups have been defined, we will then separate students who have opted for the hybrid model into two groups for scheduling purposes. With that information, we will be able to provide families with more specific scheduling information. Starting today school staff will be contacting families by phone to make a final decision on remote only or
hybrid learning. The process will be as follows:
- Calls will be made to families who selected the full remote option in the most recent survey to confirm your choice;
- If you did not respond to either the survey or the follow-up phone call, please contact the office at your child’s school by the end of the day Friday to let us know if you prefer remote only learning or hybrid learning. If you are unable to contact the school by phone, please e-mail your child’s principal directly.
- If you opted for In-Person learning in the survey and would now prefer remote only learning, please contact your child’s school by the end of the day Friday. If we do not hear from you, your child will be included in the counts for the hybrid model. If you are unable to contact the school by phone, please e-mail your child’s principal directly.
We appreciate your help in providing this information as quickly as possible and your support as we work to ensure the best possible learning experiences for our students.