Ellsworth Rotary Cancels Autumn Gold Blueberry Pancake Breakfast Because of COVID Concerns
The Ellsworth Rotary Club has cancelled their Autumn Gold Blueberry Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, September 25th because of COVID concerns. The breakfast was scheduled to be at the Moore Center in Ellsworth.
This marks the 2nd Blueberry Pancake Breakfast that the Ellsworth Rotary Club has had to cancel, as they also cancelled the annual August Breakfast, which is normally held at Knowlton Park.
Those looking for blueberry pancakes on Saturday the 25th, can head to the Trenton Volunteer Fire Department, where they will be holding their Blueberry Pancake Breakfast from 6 a.m to 10 a.m. The cost is only $8.00 per adults, $3.00 for children with children under 5 eating for free!
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