Becoming a teenager, turning 13 in times of social distancing can be tough. But , not when you have a resourceful Mom and a caring community! Amaya became a "Quaranteen" on May 7th, and the community turned out to celebrate with fire trucks and a huge parade!

The best part is Amaya kept asking her Mom in wonderment "What have you done?" Not going to lie... I had tears in my eyes watching the video!

As her Mom said

She has not been this happy and smiled so much in 2 months. We can not thank you enough... Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU... ALL of you!
She never saw it coming, and is definitely feeling loved. This almost sad and party-less little milestone birthday will now be know as one of her very favorites! It was AMAZING!


Events like this make me realize why I love living in Maine, and despite the winters, black flies, mosquitoes, snow in May... I just can't imagine living anywhere else!

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