AYS Basketball Update – October 16
We know everyone is wondering about basketball! Here's an update from Tony McKim regarding Acadia Youth Sports Basketball.
"There is no real update other than we are going to make every effort to give the players a basketball season this year. We are waiting on guidance from multiple agencies. Once we receive those, the Eastern Maine Basketball League will make their decisions.
That being said, we are still planning as if the season is going to happen as past years, with some added protocols and most likely a later time frame. I am going to form an interest list for players and coaches as tryouts will most likely not be possible. AYS may/will end up making decisions on teams. If needed we will have small tryouts. Here is the information that I need if interested:
- Player First and Last Name
- Player Grade
- Best Email
- Best Phone Number
- Town of Residence
- Jersey Size
- Name
- Cell Phone
- Level and Gender Desired
- Whether you want to be Head Coach, Assistant Coach or Either