AOS 91 / MDI High School 2019-20 School Calendar
The end of the 2018-19 School Year for the AOS Elementary Schools (Pemeitc, Tremont, Trenton, Conners-Emerson and Mount Desert) as well as at MDI High School is just 1 month from today! Schools will have an early release on Monday, June 17th. Now I don't want to rush summer away, heck summer might arrive before spring does, but it's good to be able to plan for 2019-20.
The 1st school day for all students is Thursday, August 29th. Freshman will have a full day at MDI High School that day, with sophomores, juniors and seniors having a later start. Elementary schools will have a full day that day for all students.
The last school day before Christmas Vacation will be Friday, December 20th and students won't return until Thursday, January 2nd.
There is a professional day on Friday, February 14th, so students won't be in session and then February Vacation is Monday, February 17th and then students won't return until Monday, February 24th.
April Vacation begins on Monday, April 20th and students will return on Monday, April 27th.
Graduation at MDI High School is Sunday, June 7, 2020
There are 5 snow days built into the calendar, so depending upon how many days are used, the last day of school will be anywhere between June 11-June 17
To see the full calendar including early release dates. click HERE