Sumner Volleyball Makes $1000 Donation to Home Cooked Healing
I want to give a huge shout-out to the Sumner Volleyball Team, who in November sent in a check in the amount of $1000 and letter to the Beth C Wright Cancer Center on behalf of the Home Cooked Healing program.
Their letter, from the Volleyball Coach and Science Teach, Alisa Long said
"It is my pleasure to present Home Cooked Healing with the enclosed donation that is a result of fundraising efforts done by the Sumner Memorial High School Volleyball Team during their Volleyball for the Cure fundraising efforts this fall.
For the past three seasons, the Sumner Volleyball Team have designed and sold T-shirts and requested donations for the admission to games during Homecoming week in the month of October. The girls wear pink in support of Breast Cancer Awareness month and invite our opponents to do so as well. This season, our opponents for these games, Jonesport Beals High School and Narraguagus High School not only arrived in pink accessories, each team brought a check to contribute to our fundraising efforts.
A big part of our team philosophy is that we are stronger when we work together. We try to extend this philosophy into our community by selecting a local organization that has a direct impact on cancer patients in our local area. It is through the efforts of three small schools in Downeast Maine that we are able to present this donation to you.
We are thrilled to have the opportunity to support Home Cooked Healing this year! Thank you for all that you do to support our community members and their families in their time of need."
This is fantastic! Congratulations to Sumner, Narraguagus and Jonesport Beals! Your combined fundraising efforts will make a huge difference!
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