MDIRSS AOS 91 Anti-Racism Task Force Members Wanted
Are you interested in serving on the MDIRSS AOS 91 Anti-Racism Task Force?
As you may know, the MDIRSS AOS #91 Anti-Racism Task Force has been established by Superintendent Dr. Marc Gousse in response to the advocacy work of the MDI Racial Justice Collective. The Task Force is being formed to ensure that the MDI Regional School System takes action related to the 10 items in the petition drafted and circulated by student leaders and supported by many students, teachers, parents, AOS 91 school board members, and community members on and around MDI.
All those interested in being part of the MDIRSS Anti-Racism Task Force should complete the application linked below. A small review team will read through the applications and recommend to Superintendent Gousse a slate of people representing all of the stakeholder groups mentioned in the Task Force charter.
Those that may want to serve and those who want to know more about the Task Force are asked to read the charter carefully as it explains the purpose, makeup, responsibilities and activities of the Task Force and describes the commitment asked of Task Force members.
If you want to apply to be a member of the MDIRSS AOS 91 Anti-Racism Task Force, please complete this application form by Monday, August 3rd. Review of applications will begin the week of August 3rd and Dr. Gousse will notify Task Force members by August 14th.