MDI Hospital is celebrating it's 120th Anniversary and WDEA in cooperation with MDI Hospital will be producing a special video on the 12th of each month. In the first video, Nessa Reifsnyder the unofficial official historian of the hospital gives us some interesting information about the founding of MDI Hospital and I bet you didn't know about the Pest House!

Nearly 100 people attended the first screening of MDI Hospital’s 120th Anniversary film, “Celebrating MDI Hospital: A history of caring. A community of healing. A legacy of giving.” on Tuesday, February 28 at the Southwest Harbor Memorial Library. The film, produced by local filmmaker Peter Logue, highlights MDI Hospital’s history, its dedicated staff, past and present, and the vibrant community that it supports. The next screening of the film will take place at the Jesup Memorial Library in Bar Harbor on Thursday, April 27, from  6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

For more information on the hospital’s upcoming 120th anniversary celebrations or to get involved, contact Marisa at 207.288.5082, ext. 1429 or email

For more information on the film screening, call the Jesup Memorial Library at 288-4245.

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