The MDI Trojan Girls Soccer Team beat the George Stevens Academy Eagles 9-0 on Wednesday September 11, 2019 at Alumni Field in Bar Harbor.

Daisy Granholm ended up with 5 goals and 2 assists to lead the Trojans.

MDI led 4-0 at the end of the 1st Half, as Granholm tallied the natural hat-trick with 3 goals and Zoe Olson added a goal. Cadi Howell was awarded the assist on Granholm's 1st goal, with Granholm assisting on Olson's goal.

In the 2nd half, Lelia Weir tallied 2 goals, with 1 assisted by Granholm. Granholm scored 2 more goals, with assists by Olson and Sophia Anderson. Jaiden Scott recorded her 1st varsity goal with an assist from Julia Rush.

Sabine Costello-Sanders recorded the shut-out for the Trojans. Luna St. Peter and Vanessa Sherwood were in goal for the Eagles.

MDI, now 2-1 will play host to Old Town on Saturday, September 14th at 11 AM

GSA, now 0-3 plays host to Houlton on Saturday, September 14th at 1 PM

Thanks to Coach May Dow for the information

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