Hey, how come it really doesn't look like a strawberry?

It was a big deal in the past, as Algonquin tribe farmers would harvest their strawberries this time every year under the full moon. Thus the name "strawberry moon." In Europe they call it a Rose Moon.

Tonight when the sun sets in the west around 8:25 p.m. here in Maine, look for a brilliant full moon as it rises in the east. Tonight, the light of the sun may or may not give the moon a reddish glow. The moon was in full phase at approximately 4:31 a.m. today, but can be seen at 100% for another night or two according to Farmers' Almanac.

And we're all in luck too, as the National Weather Service is calling for a mostly clear night here in Maine. So grab a blanket and your honey, and head out to a clear vantage point tonight for a strawberry moon.

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