Letter to Ellsworth Parents From Superintendent Dan Higgins – Change in Food Distribution
Ellsworth School District Superintendent Dan Higgins sent the following letter to parents on Friday, April 3rd, extending the school closures through May 1st and changing the dates and locations of food distribution for students effective Monday, April 6th.
"MDOE Nutrition program has received a waiver permitting the Ellsworth School District to make 2 changes to the program. We have been authorized to use Ellsworth High School as a distribution site and to implement a “bulk-distribution” model. Beginning Monday, families will pick-up meals at Ellsworth High School instead of at Reny’s.
The bulk distribution model permits us to distribute meals for multiple days to families rather than require daily pick-up of meals. This change will reduce the number of trips (and burden and gas expense) for families and reduce the number of times families will need to leave home. Beginning Monday, we ask families accessing meals through this program to come to Ellsworth High School and follow posted signs and directions from staff.
On Monday and Tuesday, families will be able to pick up 1 combined breakfast and lunch meal per day. On Wednesday, families will pick up combined breakfast and lunch meals for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
So we are able to have an accurate headcount, families of ESD students interested in participating are asked to call the Ellsworth High School kitchen office at 667-4722, Extension 5525 by 8:30 a.m. each day you are planning to pick up a meal. Please provide the name and grade level of children who will be obtaining meals."
To read the rest of the letter click Parent Letter - April 3 2020