Hancock County Homes Foundation Seeks Board Members
Do you have time to serve on the Board of Directors of the Hancock County Homes Foundation, which oversees the operation of Meadow View Apartments in Ellsworth?
Meadow View Apartments is a complex of 86 apartments for older adults (60+ years) and people with disabilities. The apartments are subsidized by Rural Development, U.S Department of Agriculture. Meadow View is unique among the housing complexes in Ellsworth in that it has on-site maintenance and administration. This, in addition to its quiet location near the center of Ellsworth and Northern Light Maine Coast Hospital, makes it a highly desirable residence.
The complex also encourages community among its residents, with potlucks, bingo and other gatherings. It makes its facilities available for use by outside organizations, as well, and currently provides space to Eastern Area Agency on Aging for its Meals on Wheels program and other groups.
The Foundation currently has openings on its Board of Directors. The Board oversees the operation of Meadow View along with its Administrator. Board members are from local businesses, advocates for older and disabled people and the Ellsworth community. The Board meets monthly (in person and via Zoom). They are seeking people who care about the community and its older members and who can bring their professional expertise to the table!
Please contact Board President, Jo Cooper, (jcpuddy@gmail.com) or call the Meadow View office 207-667-2651 for more information.
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