Ellsworth’s Yellow Tulip Project [VIDEO]
Ann Sargent the Director of Adult Education in Ellsworth joined WDEA's Chris Popper to talk about the Yellow Tulip Project in Ellsworth
The Yellow Tulip Project is a youth driven organization with the mission of smashing the stigma of mental illness by engaging local communities in taking action to save lives and bring hope to the people of all ages. Primary activities include the planting of yellow tulips around the community in October and holding a Hope Day when those tulips bloom in May. The idea is these activities are excellent forums for engaging conversations about mental illness.
The momentum to form a Yellow Tulip-Ellsworth Action Team started with Ellsworth Adult Education’s hosting of a live-online workshop, offered by The Yellow Tulip--Let’s Talk About the Elephant in the Room: Mental Illness. This energy resulted in an eagerness to start to engage the community this spring, rather than to wait until a fall planting of yellow tulips.
The Yellow Tulip-Ellsworth Action team has planned the following activities for May 2021:
- The window design by Peter Lione, Heart of Ellsworth, coming soon at J&B Atlantic Building on Main Street in Ellsworth. The materials are provided by Heart of Ellsworth and two individual supporters who serve on the Yellow Tulip-Ellsworth Action Team.
- Ellsworth High School is bringing museum quality I AM MORE exhibit; setting up mental health resource kiosks; putting tulips and banners around the school with messages about smashing the stigma and that hope happens, sharing YTP instagram resources--quotes, playlists, photos and stories about hope through morning announcement and other forums around the school. All of these projects are primarily financially supported by the school. Seeking funding only for the tulips.
- Silk Tulip Pots with messages about smashing the stigma & Hope Happens posters to put in the windows as well as mental health hotline posters for restrooms will be provided to area organizations and businesses to show support for Mental Health Awareness month in May. Ellsworth Adult Education is providing posters and messaging for the pots. We seek financial support for the silk tulips which will be collected and distributed each year.
- Ellsworth Library and Healthy Acadia are organizing a live online Listening Conversation with teens and adults together on Thursday, May 13, from 4:30pm-6pm. You can register HERE
- Hope Day, Saturday, May 15, 2021, 10am -Outdoors with social distancing, rain date Sunday, May 16-- Knowlton Park in Ellsworth. Featuring a speaker Sharon Rose from News Center Maine, , testimonials, a song, a story, a poem, music by EHS student performers, opportunities for engagement and celebration bringing hope to one and all in Ellsworth.
If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255