Ellsworth Boy Scout Troop 86 Living Boy Scout Oath
The Boy Scout Oath starts "On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong...". Troop 86 in Ellsworth is living the "Help other people at all times".
On a Facebook post on Saturday, March 21st they posted
"During this trying time Troop 86 wants to help those who are at risk for Covid-19. Starting Monday March 23rd, Troop 86 asks that if you need assistance grocery shopping that you to contact us via Facebook or 207-479-7948 between the hours of 8am and 3pm. The troop will shop and deliver groceries, personal care items, blankets and other small items to homes in Ellsworth, Hancock, Trenton, Lamoine and Surry. Individuals can reimburse the troop by check, credit card or cash. Please let us help you!"
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