The 2020-21 school year is going to be unlike any previous, with students learning remotely, in-person and in hybrid models. Educational supplies that typically were used aren't going to be able to be used, and there may not be enough of them. Schools basically have to have 3 models

Jamie Young, who is currently a teacher at the Conners-Emerson School in Bar Harbor will be teaching virtual classes this year, district wide. While teachers have normally dipped into their own pockets to provide supplies for their classes, this year the normal isn't going to be enough.

Jamie has put together a wish list on Amazon to provide for her students, the Island's children. It's just around $375.00 and unfortunately the CARES Act won't cover these supplies, as that money is being used for other AOS 91 priorities.

We all know it takes a village, and this year, it's going to take a lot of villagers! Can you purchase an item or 2 off of Mrs. Young's wishlist to help the kids? She's not going to be the only one coming up with requests.

On behalf of Mrs. Young, her schoolchildren I thank you in advance for your generosity!

If you have a questions for Mrs. Young, please email her at


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