Trenton Bridge Lobster’s Wholesale Operation To Be Sold
According to a story in the Portland Press Herald the Maine Lobstering Union voted Saturday, February 25th to purchase the wholesale operation of the Trenton Bridge Lobster Pound. This does NOT affect the restaurant or retail operation at the bridge leading onto and off of the Island.
Warren Pettegrow will stay on as Chief Excecutive Officer of the wholesale operations as will all the employess. The purchase will allow the 500 or so unionized lobster fishermen and women to sell to the lobster pound and receive market prices. In addition they will also receive a share of the coop's profits at the end of the season once all the expenses are deducted.
According to the Portland Press Herald the selling price for the wholesale operation and the tank that can hold up to 180,000 pounds of lobster is 4 million dollars.