Toiletry Drive to Benefit the Emmaus Shelter in Ellsworth
Let's face it, we all just reach for the toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant and soap and shampoo without a second thought. But if you are homeless, or are living paycheck to paycheck, these toiletries may not be readily available! That's why I think this is such a great idea!
Now through January 5th there is a toiletry drive going on and all of the new, unopened toiletries will be given to the Emmaus Homeless Shelter in Ellsworth!
Items needed include
- Deoderant
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrushes
- Disposable Razors
- Shaving Cream
- Body Wash
- Shampoo
- Tampons
Currently collection boxes are available at
- Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce 2 Cottage Street in Bar Harbor
- Bar Harbor Savings and Loan 103 Main Street Bar Harbor
- Cadillac Mountain Sports 32 High Street Ellsworth
- House Wine 227 Main Street Bar Harbor
- Jesup Memorial Library 34 Mount Desert Street Bar Harbor
- MDI Marathon Office 1369 ME 102 Town Hill
- Wallace Events 36 Commerce Park Ellsworth
This drive is the brainchild of Jennifer Wright. If your business wants to participate or if you need more info, please contact Jennifer at jenniferwright9435@gmail.com
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