This Week at The Grand July 18th with a Performance From the Cast of Legally Blonde Junior [VIDEO]
WDEA's Chris Popper sat down with Robin Jones and Jasmine Ireland from The Grand in Ellsworth to find out what is happening this week. In addition we were treated to a song from the cast of Legally Blonde Junior, who are part of the Grand's Summer Intensive Program
Wednesday, July 19th at 1 PM is the Musical Matinee with the presentation of "West Side Story". Thursday, July 20th at 7:30 PM is the NT Live performance of "Salome". Friday night at 6 PM there's the free Waterfront Concert Series with Kristen Thien. Then on Sunday, July 23rd at 5 PM there's the documentary "Something Good Will Come of This" about a recovering heroine addict from Downeast Maine. Afterwards there will be a discussion and Dotty Small from the Ellsworth Police Department will be there to talk about "Project Hope".