SPCA of Hancock Co Holds A Benefit Yard Sale This Weekend.
If you love a yard sale, you will want to stop by The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The SPCA of Hancock County is located in Trenton this weekend for a 3-day sale. The hours are 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. each day of the weekend. All items are displayed under tents. All the money raised goes directly to the care of all the SPCA's resident dogs and cats. Find info here
The shelter is still in need of item donations in order to make this the best fundraiser possible for the animals. Donations can be dropped off at the shelter. All is needed except clothing.

While we are talking about SPCA of Hancock Co there hours are changing as of tomorrow. New hours of operation are noon to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.
SPCA of Hancock County is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to the promotion of animal welfare, to the protection, sheltering, and placement of companion animals into responsible, loving homes, to humane education in the community, and to local, state, and national animal advocacy and has been since 1911.
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