It seems like the body blows don't stop! Downeast Maine can expect very strong winds and a rainy day,today, Monday, April 13th, with gusts approaching 60 miles tonight and over an inch of rain.

National Weather Service Cariobou
National Weather Service Cariobou

With the strong possibility of power outages today/tonight, you might want to take the following precautions today.

  • Charge All electronic devices
  • Make sure you have fresh batteries for flashlights
  •  Make sure your home is up to temperature. Turn the heat up a little today
  •  If you are using an electronic pump, fill the bathtub with water so you can flush the toilet and remember the motto if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down
  •  Make sure your refrigerator and freeze are cold. You might want to turn the temperature down slightly today
  • Collect any remaining snow and fill a cooler in case you have to pack food in the cooler
  • If there's no snow, head to the grocery store and pick up a couple 5 pound bags of ice, but make sure you wear your mask
  • Take a walk around your property and make sure anything that might blow away (garbage cans etc) are secure
  • Photo National Weather Service
    Photo National Weather Service

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