One Act Play Results
Congratulations to the Drama Departments of Ellsworth High School and MDI High School as they finished 1 and 2 in the One Act Play competition held at MDI High School on Friday and Saturday March 4-5. Rounding out the Top 5 were 1. Ellsworth 2. MDI 3. Deer Isle-Stonington, 4. Bucksport and 5. Searsport. Ellsworth and MDI will be competing in the State Class B Championship which will be held at Stearns High School in Millinocket on March 19th.
The following were selected to the All Festival Cast
Shead High School - "Caution Politricks" - Heaven Auger for her role as Emily
MDI High School - "The Other Shore" Mary Paola for her role as the Actor with Ropes and Natalie Rogers for her role as Woman (Language Teacher, Heart)
George Stevens Academy -"In the Middle of a Midsummer Night's Dream" - Ian Ramsey for his role as Nick Bottom and Phoebe Zildjian for her role as Helena.
Sumner Memorial High School - "Goodby, Miss Lizzie Borden" - Berlyn Haupt for her her role as Lizzie Borden
Searsport High School - "Three Asian Folktales" - Paige Ireland for her role as Daughter/Yakami, Holden Clapp for his role as Mayor/Narrator 4
Bucksport High School - "The Greek Mythology Olympiaganza" - Cole Hatch for his role as Narrator/Jason, Justin Burgess for his role as Cronos/Orpheus, Logan Witham for his role as Zeuz/Apollo
Deer Isle-Stonington - "The War of the Worlds: The 1938 Radio Play" - Alex Shorey for his role as General Smith, Marvin Merritt IV for his role as General Smith, Amy Friedell for her role as Announcer One and Ali Eaton for her role as Professor Pierson
Ellsworth High School - "BOUND" - Hannah Box for her role as Promethea, Garrett Moyer for his role as Everyman
Washington Academy - "Miss Beth" - Emma Page for her role as Beth, Amber Sprague for her role as Smanatha, Anthony Branca for his role as Coach Tom and Nick Honjosa for his role as Assassin/Blimonda
The Judge's Commendations were as follows
George Steven's Academy - For Ensemble Action and for The Fairy Lullaby from "In the Middle of a Midsummer Night's Dream"
Mount Desert Island High School - For Overall Technical Excellence and For Ensemble Acting
Deer Isle-Stonington High School - For Philomena Mattes and Oskar Mattes For Technical Excellence for Lighting and Sound and For Stage Crew
Ellsworth High School - For Ensemble Acting ,for Phillip Wright for Music Competition and Arrangement and for Jillian Dow for Stage Manager/Booth Operator
Searsport District High School - For Maddy Philbrick and Kenzie Philbrick for Prop Construction
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