I am a Superman junkie. I LOVE anything to do with Superman! I grew up watching the reruns of the TV show with George Reeves. Fell in love with Christopher Reeve as Superman in the '80's. And now, a new movie has an amazing cast. I can't wait!

As usual, I'm not familiar with the actor playing Superman, Henry Cavill. But there are plenty of well-known names in this movie! Russell Crowe as Jor-el, Amy Adams as Lois Lane (awesome choice!), Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent, Diane Lane as Martha Kent, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White, Michael Shannon as General Zod, and more!

Like I said, I've always loved Superman. I watched the series as a kid, loved the comic books, and then watched the Christopher Reeve movies over and over. Part of the admiration, of course, is the whole super-hero thing. Who wouldn't love to be that invincible? And able to fly!

But more than that, for me, was the "knight in shining armor" aspect of the story. Lois had the ultimate guardian angel. He was always there to save her from dangerous situations (which she got into all the time!).

So, obviously, I'm very excited about the NEW Superman movie "Man of Steel." The Trailer looks awesome! The movie's due out in June. Watch the trailer and get ready for the "Man of Steel!"

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