New Restaurant Planned For High Street In Ellsworth
The Ellsworth Code Enforcement Office sent out letters on July 13 to abutters of the Maine Coast Mall, that a new restaurant is in the planning process and will be located behind McDonald's. The parcel was last used as an auto dealership. The project is expected to start August 1st and be completed by October 1st.
The proposal consists of developing 20,000 square feet into restaurant space along with a new access road. This is considered a minor use site development plan by Union River Associates Realty Holdings LLC (Maine Coast Mall) and as such will be handled by the Code Enforcement Office and not go to the Planning Board.
The City of Ellsworth will be taking comments on this application until July 24th. The application may be viewed at the Code Enforcement Office Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.