What was amazing was Bo's response, as he and his family put this sign up afterwards

Photo Erica Merchant
Photo Erica Merchant
Tony Murray from Fairway Auto Sales in Hancock with his wife Nicole and daughter Chloe and Bo Merchant Photo Erica Merchant
Tony Murray from Fairway Auto Sales in Hancock with his wife Nicole and daughter Chloe and Bo Merchant Photo Erica Merchant

Tonight, we want to share the latest sign placed over Bo's woodpile, thanking the community for donations totalling $1020

Photo Erica Merchant
Photo Erica Merchant

To my amazing community - When I put out the first poster I hadn't any idea it would go so public and be seen by so many individuals. For then to have individuals interested in freely giving of their kind words and donations alike during this already difficult season for all. My faith, my family's faith is forever restored by each and every one of you! I thank you, my family thanks you and may we pay it forward.



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