Implementation Update of Parking and Permit Policy in Bar Harbor
The Town of Bar Harbor issued the following update on Friday, regarding the implementation of the Parking and Permit Policy.
Metered Parking:
The Town’s new meters are scheduled to be activated on Wednesday, May 15th, barring any last minute technical issues. The Meters will not accept credit card or Park Mobile transactions until activation occurs. However, the meters will accept quarters without benefit to the vehicle parking in the space until the meters are turned on. (In other words don't feed the meters until May 15th!)
Obtaining Permits:
The Permitting system for all permits is not online and fully tested yet. When available for processing, due notice will be given. Therefore, parking enforcement in all designated permit areas will be not be in place until the permit system is fully activated.
To see Chris Popper's interview with Cornell Knight the Bar Harbor Town Manager regarding the Parking and Permit Policy click HERE