Good Bye Parades Scheduled for Fr. Nadeau in Bucksport, Castine, and Stonington
Fr. Timothy Nadeau is being transferred effective August 1st, moving from his position of parochial vicar of Stella Maris Parish in Bucksport, St. Joseph Parish in Ellsworth, and Parish of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Bar Harbor to pastor of Good Shepherd Parish (Most Holy Trinity Church, Saco; St. Joseph Church, Biddeford; St. Margaret Church, Old Orchard Beach; St. Philip Church, Lyman; Most Holy Trinity Church, Saco; and St. Brendan Church, Biddeford Pool)
Because of COVID-19 restrictions and concerns, normal good bye gatherings can't be held, however, parishoners and friends are encouraged to come wish Fr. Nadeau farewell and good luck in a series of drive-by parades on Saturday, July 25th and Sunday, July 26th. . Social distancing protocols will be followed.
The events will be held at St. Vincent de Paul Church on 60 Franklin Street in Bucksport (after 4 p.m. Mass on Saturday and 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday), Our Lady of Holy Hope Church on 137 Perkins Street in Castine (after 12:30 p.m. Mass on Sunday), and St. Mary Star of the Sea Church on 8 Granite Street in Stonington (after 8 a.m. Mass on Sunday)