Free Events in Ellsworth & Mount Desert Island July 2-8
We are going to try and keep a list of FREE, family friendly, events that are going on in the Ellsworth and Mount Desert Island area, which will be published weekly on the WDEA website. Here is our initial list for the week July 2nd-8th.
While this is not a comprehensive list, it's what I have been able to find by talking to the Chambers of Commerce, Public Libraries and events that I'm generally aware of. If you would like to have your FREE event listed, please email it to me in advance at chris.popper@townsquaremedia.com
Monday July 2nd
Southwest Harbor - Free AED/Hands Only CPR Class - 5-7PM Southwest Harbor Public Library. - This class taught by volunteer Patricia Buccello, and American Heart Association certified instructor and local paramedic. This class is not for CPR certification but is an opportunity for anyone to be introduced to, or to get a refresher on AEC use and Hands-Only CPR.
Bar Harbor - Town Band Concert 8PM Bandstand - Village Green (Lasts 1 hour)
Tuesday July 3rd
Ellsworth - Ellsworth Public Library - Tuesday Readers 2 PM. The "Tuesday Readers" is an afternoon book discussion group at the Ellsworth Public Library meeting the 1st Tuesday of each month. Librarian Mary McKillop, facilitates these discussions. The Stranger in the Woods by Michael Finkel will be discussed. Coffee, tea and refreshements served. Meet in the Riverview Room of the Ellsworth Public Library
Wednesday July 4th
Bar Harbor - Day Long Activities - Note Blueberry Pancake Breakfast and Seafood Festival are paid events,
The day's festivities kick off with a huge Blueberry Pancake Breakfast from 6-10AM on the Athletic fields down across from the YMCA. Then at 10AM there's a HUGE parade, that typically lasts around a hour, there are so many floats. It goes down Main Street to Cottage Street and thousands line the parade route. There are lobster races at the ballfield and then a huge seafood festival from 11 to 2!
From 11AM on there will be music down on the Town Pier, with live music from Roc Babi, The Blake Rosso Band and The Crown Vics from 3:30 to 9PM.
Then at approximately 9:15 there are fireworks over Frenchman Bay! One of the best places to view the fireworks is in Agamont Park, which becomes a sea of blankets throughout the day, as families set up to listen to music, walk around the town and enjoy the fireworks.
Because of the continued road construction on Route 3, and the detour in place, the Bar Harbor Police Department has come up with a new map to help direct the thousands of people who will be celebrating the 4th of July out of Bar Harbor.
Bar Harbor Police Department/Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce
Bar Harbor - Town Band Concert 7:30 PM Bandstand - Village Green (Lasts 1 Hour)
Southwest Harbor - 9PM Fireworks shot off from the Clark Point Road
Thursday July 5th
Ellsworth Public Library - 6PM The Ellsworth Chess Club meets every Thursday evening.
Ellsworth - Ellsworth Public Library Book Discussion 6PM -7PM. The Ellsworth Public Library Book-A-Month Clube will meet from 6PM-7PM. A Piece of the World by Christine Baker Kline will be discussed.
Southwest Harbor - Bedtime Stories and Songs with Jennifer Armstrong. 6:30 PM Southwest Harbor Public Library. An evening of gentle songs and stories aimed at preparing teddies and their owners for sleep, with storyteller, musician, and author Jennifer Armstong. Bring teddy bears or a favorite stuffed animal. PJs, little blankets are fun too! Armstrong was a featured teller at the National Storytelling festival in 1998 and 2019 and has been heard on NPR, and has music recordings and published books to her credit.
Bar Harbor - Town Band Concert 8 PM Bandstand - Village Green (Lasts 1 Hour)
Friday July 6th
Ellsworth - Waterfront Concert Series at Ellsworth's Union River Harbor Park 6PM - Atlantic Clarion Steel Band (Calypso and Steel Drums)
Saturday July 7th
Ellsworth Public Library - 10AM- 12 Noon Ellsworth Public Knitting Group. Come work on your project and socialize on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month. Fiber Arts of all types and levels are welcome. Meet in the Knitting Nook (3rd Floor)
The Grand turns 80 and is celebrating with a free concert on Saturday, July 7th at the Union River Harbor Park from 5PM-9PM. There will be live music from Destroy Them My Robots, 80's Karaoke, Demonstrations, the Darling's Ice Cream Truck, Face Painting, Cake Contest and more. Harris' Harborside Takeout will be donating 15% of their proceeds to The Grand. Call The Grand at 667-9500 for more info.
Sunday July 8th
Southwest Harbor Public Library - Opening Reception 5:30-7:30PM for "A Celebration of Art" a Silent Auction to Benefit the Southwest Harbor Public Library. There will be live music, good food and wonderful work. "A Celebration of Art" takes place Monday July 9th - Saturday August 4th. The event is an exhibit and silent auction to showcase the creative works of the talented community artists and benefit the Library.
Ellsworth - Knowlton Park's Splash Pad
The restroom facilities are open from 8AM to 9 PM. The changing rooms at Knowlton Park are open as well. Water in the Splash Pad will operate between 10AM and 8PM, everyday, unless the temperature falls below 65, which it will then automatically shut off until the temperature rises again.
Free summer movies begin next week!
Handy Phone Numbers
Ellsworth Public Library - 207-667-6363
Southwest Harbor Public Library - 207-244-7065
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