February 22 -National Grocery Workers Appreciation Day
One of the "good" things about the pandemic, and there haven't been many "good" things, is the realization that front line employees, are the heart and soul of the economy and deserve recognition! Today, February 22nd is the 1st National Grocery Workers Appreciation Day!
Think about it! Since March of 2020, Grocery Workers have been working tirelessly. They've been stocking shelves, working extra hours, all while we've been frantically searching for toilet paper, sanitizing wipes, cleaning supplies and more.
And they've been doing this while wearing masks. When the Country was basically shut down for 2 weeks when COVI-19 became a pandemic in March of 2020, these grocery workers were reporting to work every day!
They have wiped down thousands of grocery carts a month, sanitized handles, made aisles one way and let's face it, dealt with the public who have been less than kind, when asked to mask up or stay 6 feet away from fellow shoppers.
We have come to the realization that these grocery workers and other front-line employees are the true heroes, and not the athletes that we have idolized for years. Now if we can just somehow figure out a way to pay them more, without all of our grocery prices going up!