Bunky Dow – Fall High School Sports Discussion September 8 [VIDEO]
MDI Athletic Director Bunky Dow joined WDEA's Chris Popper to talk about the latest in the High School Athletic and Co-Curricular discussions. They are expecting a decision from the MPA later today or Wednesday. The MDI High School administration will be making a recommendation to the School Board on Thursday with the hopes of beginning Fall sports on Monday, September 14th.
Depending upon the recommendations from the Maine Principal Association schedules will be put together. It would appear at this time for PVC Teams, MDI will be competing within Hancock County, so playing Ellsworth, Bucksport, GSA, Deer Isle Stonighton and if Sumner reconsiders their decision to play, Sumner.
When schedules are finalized, we will figure out what games we can broadcast, and will broadcast as many games as possible