August 26th is National Dog Day! Who am I kidding...Really every day is National Dog Day in my house!

if you're a dog lover then I'm sure you can agree... There's nothing like a dog. To come home and have the Great Danes greet me is one of the best feelings in the world.

With 2 of the Danes being rescued, and having rescued Henley, Bob and Katie previously I proudly have a magnetic sign on the back of my car that says "Who Rescued Who?" It's never been more true, as I think each dog was brought into my life for a particular reason.

As I have been working from home since March because of the COVID-19 pandemic, I  usually have at least 1 Dane with me at all times. They're my best friends and you'll have to excuse an occasional bark when I'm recording the weather! And yes, Elmer, I won't forget to take you for your daily car ride, especially on National Dog Day!

To celebrate National Dog Day, check out this video narrated by Paul Harvey, "So God Made a Dog!"


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