Another 1 in 30 Million Lobster Caught
This 1 in 30 million calico lobster is still out there, after the crew of the F/V La Bella Vita tossed it back into the Gulf of Maine on Friday, August 18, 2017.
In the last week, there has been another calico lobster caught aboard the F/V MMMMoolah and a 1 in 2 million blue lobster landed aboard the F/V Madi-Gail.
Last August there was a 1 in 10 million red lobster landed. The rarest lobster is the albino lobster. The chance of catching one of those is 1 in 100 Million!
If you catch a different color lobster, please email me the picture at chris.popper@townsquaremedia.com or let me know via Facebook! I'd love to feature it on the WDEA website.