Students from Hancock and Washington Counties on the Fall 2021 MMA Dean’s List
Maine Maritime Academy released their 2021 Dean's list for the Fall 2021 semester
To be eligible for the Dean's List students must have'
- A semester GPA of at least 3.3
- Attempted at least 12 credits for the semester
- Must not have received C- or lower (including U and I grades) for any course for the semester
Here are the students from Hancock and Washington Counties on the Dean's List
- Bar Harbor - Brett Duley, Finn Jordan, Gloria Passmaan, Kailyn Russell, Ponce Saltysiak
- Blue Hill - Jeffrey Allen, Caden Mattson, Eric Mote, Adam Norwood
- Bucksport - Sara Bos, John Dailey, Ellie Gellerson, Noah Scanlon, Jennifer Zdrojowy
- Calais - Jay Hinson
- Castine - Crista Link, Elisabeth MacArthur, Cooper Newline, Rebecca Rankin, Ryan Reed
- Corea - Joseph Shea
- Deer Isle - Jacob Gell
- Eastport - Roxanna MacGregor
- Ellsworth - Sam Giffin
- Harrington - Hannah Beal, Anna Strout
- Jonesport - Judson Carver
- Lubec - Alessandro Marotta
- Mount Desert - Sam Hoff, Brigette Olearckek, Natasha Olearcek
- Pembroke - Josephine Teuten, Nickolaus Lewis, Alec Witham
- Perry - Benjamin Shain
- Robbinston - Robert Finn
- Seal Cove - Nolan Murphy
- Southwest Harbor - Hayden Goodwin
- Swans Island - Sage Dentremont
To see the full list of those on the Dean's List click HERE

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Take a Tour of Maine's 10 Longest Rivers
Maine is an outdoor wonderland, mainly due to its incredible terrain. One of those treasures is Maine's vast river system. In fact, its one of the more impressive ones in the country.
According to WorldAtlas.com, Maine has one of the largest systems in the United States, with the top 10 rivers all being over 75 miles.
Here is that list, which includes many nationally-known rivers.
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