The Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce issued the following statement on Wednesday, April 29th on Governor Mills' plan to reopen the Maine economy.

"The prepared plan announced yesterday by the Mills Administration proposed a new normal – “a different way of doing business, shopping, traveling and recreating that keeps us all safe.” Under the new restrictions, the Bar Harbor chamber fears the financial impact to local businesses, families and employees will have a devastating outcome.

"We are disappointed with the Governor's proposed phases for reopening the economy. The financial impact will deliver a catastrophic blow to many small businesses, families, and employees that depend on hosting visitors. The idea that we could survive until 2021 on a partial and limited season is unsustainable, as there are no other opportunities. The small businesses of Bar Harbor, and the State of Maine, deserve the chance to provide a safe visitor experience that will give us the opportunity to survive. We strongly encourage the Governor to reconsider the heavy restrictions placed on hospitality for the 2020 season," says the Bar Harbor Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.

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