Students at my alma mater are being asked today to sign a very special poster and take a pledge. The goal is to replace the term "mental retardation" with "intellectual disability." It's all part of a national campaign sponsored by Special Olympics and Best Buddies. Nice going, Brewer High Students!

It's called "R Word-Spread the Word to End the Word." The students are being asked to sign the poster and then take this pledge, "“I pledge and support the elimination of the derogatory use of the R-word from everyday speech and promote the acceptance and inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities”. Every teen who takes the pledge will receive a bracelet and be eligible for a prize drawing.

. Students are submitting pictures of themselves with a family member or friend with special needs. And Brewer High School math teacher, Suzette Pelletier is collecting those photos to make a slide show for the campaign

What a wonderful campaign! Congratulations to the students of Brewer High School for recognizing how hurtful that word can be. Proud to call myself a Brewer Witch!

Is your local school taking part? If so, add them to the comments section below. Let's show our support for this very worthy cause!

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