Route 3 Detour Begins Monday May 1
The detours on the Route 3 Bar Harbor Corridor will go into effect on Monday, May 1st according to the Maine Department of Transportation. Traffic coming North (Out of Bar Harbor) on Route 3 will be detoured onto the Crooked Road. Southbound (into Bar Harbor) on Route 3 will continue with travel restricted to one lane.
The Maine DOT and it's contractors are placing signs to guide drivers. It's important to realize that access to all businesses and residences in the construction zone will be maintained.
Drivers are encouraged to plan ahead and allow a little more time tro travel through the area.
The reconstruction of Route 3 begins 0.57 miles west of Sand Point Road and will proceed southward to the Crooked Road through 2017.
Stay tuned to our website as we will have updates throughout the construction season.