The summer traffic will be at its peak this and next week. Construction continues on the Bar Harbor Route 3 corridor. Here's the work plan for the week ending  August 4th.

The detour is in effect, and remember commercial vehicles should not be using the Park Loop Road detour! There have been instances when vehicles have been pulled over for not following the rules. It is so important to drive carefully and slowly on the detour route. Please follow the directions of the flaggers and try to move over to give the construction crews as much room as possible.

Photo Maine DOT
Photo Maine DOT

Here's the anticipated work plan. Remember everything is weather dependent.

The contractor will be working in the areas stated below for the week:

  • Working on new drainage from The Bayview to West Street
  • Working on water services from West Street to the College of the Atlantic
  • Excavating and grading gravel driveways from the College of the Atlantic to The Bayview
  • Installing catch basin frames and grates from Duck Brook to The Bayview

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