You may have heard about a emu that was on the loose in Cherryfield yesterday...The good news is that Priscilla is now safe and has joined the mob at the Downeast Equine and Large Animal Sanctuary in Deblois!

Downeast Equine/Debbie McLaine
Downeast Equine/Debbie McLain

Priscilla was being moved in a trailer to the sanctuary yesterday, when she escaped. After spending the night in the wild, her former owner and Debbie McLain and her husband at Downeast Equine and Large Animal sanctuary were able to locate her and safely bring her to her new home!

Priscilla now joins the following emus in the mob

  • Pheebs and Ike a mated pair
  • Kyle 1
  • Kyle 2
  • Kyle 3
  • Kylette

When the Kyles were hatched 2 years ago, they were named not knowing their sexes. It turned out that there were 3 males, hence Kyle 1, Kyle 2 and Kyle 3 and one female - Kylette!

The plan is that once Priscilla is assimilated one of the Kyles will join her to provide companionship.

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When it comes to house pets, are you a dog, cat, or ostrich person? Yes, ostrich. You may be surprised what pets you are legally allowed to own depending on what state you live in. Here is a list of 13 pets you can surprisingly own in the state of Maine.


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