Peregrine Falcons Return to Acadia National Park
Acadia National Park staff have noticed that the peregrine falcons have returned to their traditional nesting territories at the Precipice, Jordan and Valley Cove cliffs in Acadia National Park and therefore the National Park Service has closed the cliffs and associated trails to the public so as to protect the peregrine falcons from disturbance or harrassment during the nesting stage.
According to Superintendent Kevin Schneider "The success of peregrine falcon nesting in Acadia National Park is one of our great conservation stories thanks in large part to the efforts of our wildlife biologist, Bruce Connery. This program is an example of how we can protect important resources while allowing visitors reasonable access to enjoy the park. We appreciate the cooperation of visitors in protecting peregrine falcons by complying with the temporary closures".
The Jordan Cliffs Trail, Valley Cove Trail, Precipice Trail and a portion of the Orange and Black Path are closed to public entry until further notice. The trails and carriage roads on the perimeter of the closed areas remain open. The reopening of the close areas is expected by mid August is nesting attempts succeed or possibly sooner if nesting attempts fail. Public entry into a closed area is a violation of federal regulations, which is punishable by fine, imprisonment or both